Spotlighting the businesses that play a vital role in assisting CNYSBA accomplish our mission.
Our Business Partners Play a Vital Role
The generous support of our Business Partners plays a vital role in fulfilling a core CNYSBA objective of providing professional and leadership development programming that helps school board members meet and exceed the growing responsibilities they have for public education in their communities.
We Are Committed to Public Education
CNYSBA Business Partners comprise a growing list of companies that are committed to public education. We are grateful for their ongoing support.
Turner K-12 Education
Turner is a North America-based, international construction services company and is a leading builder in diverse market segments. The company has earned recognition for undertaking large, complex projects, fostering innovation, embracing emerging technologies, and making a difference for their clients, employees and community.

With a staff of 10,000 employees, the company completes $12 billion of construction on 1,500 projects each year. Turner offers clients the accessibility and support of a local firm with the stability and resources of a multi-national organization.
To be the highest value provider of global construction services and technical expertise.