John Zogby at CNYSBA Annual Meeting



John Zogby, founder of the Zogby Poll, describes himself as a "Woodstocker.'' He's a Baby Boomer who has taught high school and college for two decades and polled and consulted on presidential elections and demographic changes for four decades.

For his latest book, "First Globals: Understanding, Managing and Unleashing the Potential of Our Millennial Generation,'' Zogby delved deep into the mindsets and aspirations of the Millennials, those born between 1979 and 1994, to discover what makes them tick and why we need to pay attention to them - NOW!

This "age cohort'' is 76 million strong "and likely to surpass us boomers,'' Zogby told the gathering at CNYSBA's Annual Meeting on May 29, where he was guest speaker.

"As a group, they need to be taken very, very seriously,'' Zogby said.

Here are some reasons why:

  • "First Globals'' will make up 30 percent of the workforce by the end of this decade.
  • "First Globals'' will make up 30 percent of the electorate by 2024.
  • 66 percent of this demographic have passports and have used them.
  • 35 percent of "First Globals'' expect to live and work in a foreign country at some point.
  • 62 percent of this group say it's very important or important to be fluent in a foreign language.
  • 85 percent of "First Globals'' say they want to leave the world a better place.

Should you find yourselves working with "First Globals'' - or serving with them on a school board -- here are a few things you should know.

  •  One word dominates the lives of those born 1979 to the present. That word is "technology."
  • Millennials look to their social networks (social media) to "crowdsource" for ideas and solutions to workplace and life problems.
  • They are not "9 to 5.'' They are "24/7" -- always "on" -- and approach their work and life that way.
  • "First Globals'' look horizontal - not the traditional vertical corporate ladder - to network.
  • They are active, engaged and on the move. They will not be wedded to one job and one place to live.
  • They are sometimes wary of politicians and government. "The motto for Millennials is 'stay out of our private lives, let us mess it up ourselves,''' Zogby said.

They are a group with whom we need to build relationships -- across generational lines -- and whose energy and talents we need to harness, not dismiss or fear.

"By working with the Millennials and getting them to participate, you're bringing diversity in,'' Zogby said.

"Learn as much about them as possible. They will lead us out of our problems.''

For more information on John Zogby, CLICK HERE.